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Love That Binds, Love That Heals: A Traditional Healing Experience

Join us for an enlightening talk led by Lawrence Messerman, Ph.D. The ‘secret’ to health and well-being that is almost always overlooked these days! Clue: Prior to the modern era, we lived in connection: feeling our deep bonds to each other, the land, plants, animals, and the mystery beyond. Restoring a loving relationship to the fabric of life is critical to our health and well-being. Our ancestors had less materially, but they understood human nature and recognized how ‘dis-ease’ happens when we are not in ‘right relationship’ with each other and the world. What can we learn from those who came before us?

This is a free event, no RSVP required.

Before becoming a traditional healer, Lawrence Messerman had a varied path that includes a stint working in a Congressional office on Capitol Hill in Washington, Peace Corps service in Sri Lanka, and a Master’s Degree in international relations. While working on his PhD. in education, he met Eliot Cowan–whose book Plant Spirit Medicine opened him to the world of spirit and holistic healing. He followed Eliot on the path to become a mara’akame or healer and ritual leader in the Huichol (Wixárikia) tradition of Mexico and was initiated in 2005. He is also a Firekeeper under the auspices of the international organization Sacred Fire, and has served as its Executive Director. He lives with his wife Jessica (a Firekeeper herself) in Carrollton, GA.

Photo: “Tree of Life” (Huichol Yarn Painting)

June 25

Resolve inner conflict with Lotus Blissed

June 26
