Call or text Donna to schedule an appointment at (678) 675-9816.

“I continue to grow and learn as new modalities are introduced and will continue to look for ways to help people. I have made a commitment to dedicating my life to helping people release shocks, traumas, and other energetic blocks that are stuck in their body-field allowing them to alleviate their physical pain and symptoms. I teach them to restore optimal quality of life so they can THRIVE!” -Donna Wood

Services Donna Offers

Lucia Light

$50/per 20 min session

$75/per 30 min+ session

The Lucia Light is a patented hypnogogic strobe light system designed to utilize flickering white light and soft incandescent light to instantly and safely produce altered states of consciousness.

The Lucia N°03 uses wide spectrum solid light plus LED flashing at various frequencies to relax and dilate the central nervous system. The brain moves from beta-dominance to alpha-theta and it can move into harmonic coherence. This can lead to lower stress, increased creativity, and more frequent flow states.


$50/per 30 minute session

$75/per 1 hour session

Reiki is a form of alternative therapy that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. The word "Reiki" can be broken down into two parts - "Rei" which means universal, and "Ki" which means life energy. Practitioners channel this universal life energy through their hands to promote well being and relaxation in the recipient. During a Reiki session, the practitioner places their hands lightly on or just above the recipient's body, allowing the energy to flow where it is needed most. Reiki is often used to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being. It is a gentle and non-invasive practice that can be done in person or even remotely.

Voice Code Analysis

$60 first visit

$30 each visit after

A software program assesses the imbalances in your voice based on a sample recording. Scanning for the imbalances, the software program then creates the specific frequencies which can harmonize what’s out of balance in your voice. You will receive your personal balancing frequency tones to listen to for relaxation, harmony, and transformation.

resources for donna


~Bruce and Donna host "Lyrical Wisdom” every Friday morning at 10 am on WQEE Rock 99.1 FM. In every episode they shine light and wisdom into lyrics of past and present hit songs.


$120/per 1 hour session

VortexHealing® is based on the belief that all life is interconnected, originating from a single source or consciousness. Over time, humans have lost awareness of this unity, leading to a pervasive sense of separation. This perceived separation gives rise to numerous issues and false identities that imprint and condition every aspect of our being, including our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirituality. These deep-seated conditionings distort our human experience and create emotional and physical blockages, resulting in various ailments. The goal of VortexHealing® is to liberate individuals from these conditionings by restoring emotional balance and energetic strength, promoting overall wellness.

In practice, VortexHealing® addresses both physical and emotional well-bring while engaging individuals in a deeper spiritual process. Practitioners gently move their hands over the client's body while the client relaxes, promoting balance and harmony. The ultimate goal is to facilitate a return to wholeness, which involves awakening from the illusion of separation and recognizing the oneness that defines our true nature.